
TOEIC 880、英検準一級。IT職務をこなしつつ、英語の向上を目指す そんな独身アラサー女の奮闘記。オーバー30での留学、海外インターンシップ経験あり。

English Common phrases(5/20)

英語で「簡単だよ」を意味する common phrase

It's like riding a bike.

(You never forget how to do it. ⇒一度覚えたら忘れない。)


Piece of cake. / Taking candy from a baby. 

( Something is easy. ⇒とても簡単という意味。) 


Take the Bull by the Horns.

(Tacke care of the probrems and take controls. ⇒問題に立ち向かい、取り組む。)

Ex. Don't jump over it. Take the bull by the horns.


Example sentence of "Take the bull by the horns".

I just joined my company three weeks ago, and it's kind of hard to work there because my boss is Canadian and I need to talk with him in English. It's my first time to have a foriegn boss. Therefore, I often have difficulty to communicate with him, especially because I cannot explain what I really want to say in English. However, I need to take the bull by the horns, I need to taking control my English, and have a good relationship with him.


All the practice is paying off.

 -pay off: 報われる.

Example sentence:

Your English is so good. I know you have studied hard. All the practice is paying off.


It is not something like you stress out on.

 -stess out: 悩ませる、いらいらさせる


- tusk(牙状の歯[もの])

- convince (to persuade someone to do something. 確信・納得させる。説得する。)

 I convince my parents that I should go to English speaking countries to study English.


- I'm glad you didn't take me serious. (本気に受け取らなくてよかったよ。)

- comprehension(the ability to understand something. 理解、知識、包括、理解力、読解力) 

How she manages to fit so much into a working day is beyond my comprehension (= I cannot understand it).


It's gonna have big consequences.

(A consequence is a result (especially a negative one) caused by a previous action, situation, etc. consequences は、事前の行動や状況などがもたらす事態、つまり、結果、という意味で、特に好ましくない結果をさすときに使います。) 


- Talk someone into something.

 When we talk someone into something we convince them to do something they did not want to do before. 

Example: I need to talk my boss into giving me a raise.


* We can also talk someone out of something, and it means convince someone NOT to do something.

Example: The boss wanted to fire you but I talked him out of it, so you will have to work harder now.


- This one is pretty obvious. (easy to see or understand) 

- Pay attention to other people. ( 何か物事に興味を持って見たり聞いたりして「注意を払う」)

- Expand your horizons. (To have or seek out new experiences, especially if one's experiences have been relatively limited.)

- This one is self-explanatory. (Easy to understand and not needing any more explanation.)

- Try to come up with something new. (to suggest or think of an idea or plan)


- Break a leg = Good luck.

- Cutting corners = Taking shortcuts.